Friday, November 21, 2008

What I Did In Error I Meant In Jest

I missed the Trailblazers show to draw this:
I spent a day on the body and a day on the head. I'm not sure if I'm happy with the head, you can only really appreciate it zoomed in so you can see all the cracks in the leather etc. I wanted to present these guys as real ritualistic psychos with their masks hidden away in boxes beneath their beds, bringing them out at night for their gang wars and assaults. The gang is called the Cold Cadavers.

I'm not sure about the mask.

In other news I bought these two books today.

I don't consider myself a collector of many things because I've seen what it can do to people from working in a DVD store for two years. However, when it comes to books I am completely guilt free. I love my books. When I was travelling Japan I shipped over two parcels full of Japanese art books and carried some in my luggage as well. I did the same on my trip to New York. My grandkids are going to have the best fucking collection of books and if they ever sell them my ghost will haunt them till they get every book back.

One book still eludes me though...
It is called The Octagon by the photographer Kevin Lynch. I saw it in a Barnes and Noble in Chelsea, it was the size of a table(around 20x26")and was $7500. It had around 800 portraits of UFC Fighters taken on a Hasselblad. Thank fuck they are finally releasing a smaller version at the end of this year.


Adam Paquette said...

better keep that fables antho under lock and key mate. I can't be responsible for my own actions!


That new piece is great, man! Also thanks for the heads-up on the Octagon, that book looks amazing.

Unknown said...

Oh man, I really want that Watching the Watchmen book. I was just looking at it yesterday!

New dude looks meannn, I like.

Alison said...

Hey James,

I'm Alison from Singapore and I would like to invite you to participate in an upcoming project. Please send me an email with your email and I will get back to you with a proper invite. :]

Thank you,

Jess Bradford said...

The fables book is amazing!
so to is your work! (COFA printing is not the same without your art on the racks)

come check out my site if you have the time

also are you planning to have any other future exhibitions at firstdraft?