Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Jack Kirby's Death Metal Fantasy

I started a new job the other week and although it provides much job satisfaction (which is priceless), it involves a grueling four hours a day on Sydney public transport, which is absolutely horrible. I've been getting home late, completely exhausted, wanting to do nothing but sleep, but forcing myself to do at least something constructive before the day is over (but not managing to do anything).

In other news I have recently converted to Mac! I am using a 24" iMac now and yes, I am finding it very difficult to get used to. I am adept on a PC but I'm just so over them breaking all the time and having to mess around with hardware all the time. I don't like customising anything, I like things really minimal and simple. I don't even like printed t-shirts. My ideal home would be a hotel room with barely any furniture, in it I would maybe have a jar of choc chip cookies, and a print of Malevich's Black Square pinned on the wall.

The show at Hogan Gallery has been pushed back to June but I am still in two shows coming up in April that I am making brand new work for. Love Ariel's group show at Somedays, and the Semi Permanent sideshow Kids Today presented by Stupid Krap, the lineup of which is a lot like a big livejournal reunion for me. It will be at MTV Headquarters in Kings Cross.

It is good to be busy. But it is also good to sleep.

1 comment:

Jin Hien Lau said...

im checking this kids today shit out