Friday, October 10, 2008

So the chemist down the road won't give me sleeping pills.

With all these deadlines recently I've been sleeping later and later, yesterday crawling into bed at 7am after a night of listening to electro and turning my inks into vectors for a crazy project coming up.

My little roleplay as a full-time freelancer(oxymoron?) has come to an end and I have learnt from it many things. I would mostly be sitting on my ass staring at a screen and eating junk food for 18 hours a day, veins pulsating with caffeine while photoshop blending layers haunt me in my dreams. I would be going to bed when the birds chirp outside and wake up to the blinding noon sun. I don't know, I used to find all that shit romantic when I was young but now it is a bit of a punish.

My list of things to do is dwindling down which is a good thing, which only leaves major things like a major website overhaul and my tax return left. After that I am pretty much free to spend the summer at work serendipitously scratching away at drypoints and looking after stressed out students. This is probably the fastest year ever, I can barely keep track of what has happened, I missed the days when things used to linger on forever. Time seems to be speeding up as I get older.

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